And I have. My eighth grade English teacher challenged me, and—you know what, it's a long story. How about I just show you some things I've written?
Published writing
Weaving together stories from a witness and victim of rape and sexual abuse, I crafted a piece that captures her experience—from surviving to thriving. Essig Magazine, a quarterly publication that explores human connection, featured my piece in its Spring 2016 issue.
Human Parts is a Medium publication with nearly 60,000 followers on the Medium platform alone. The collection posts a wide range of curated personal writing from authors all over the world.
The Coffeelicious is an online publication that publishes some of the best articles on Medium. With over 100,000 followers, it has featured the work of popular writers like James Altucher, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Zaron Burnett III.
Attracting over 5 million unique visitors every month, The Good Men Project publishes stories that "change the writer and change the reader." They don't believe in the way masculinity is typically defined in our culture, and they seek to change that definition with stories that resonate and teach us something new.
Elite Daily
With a monthly audience of over 70 million, Elite Daily publishes articles about trending topics and hot button issues—all geared toward millennials.
Lifehack pays writers to create SEO-friendly content geared towards business people, college students, and tech enthusiasts. I believe a majority of the site's following is outside of the United States.
With the slogan "All thinking is relevant," Thought Catalog publishes all kinds of think-pieces and stories from young writers. Launched in 2010, TC has a readership of several hundred thousand.